05 October 2010

The Acropolis...

Why this place isn't one of the Wonders of the World I'll never know...

So now that we have been here in Athens for a month my roommates and I decided we should probably actually go and see the Acropolis. We spent the entire day Sunday wandering around downtown Athens and explore the Acropolis in all it's splendor. Words do not even begin to describe how inadequate the Parthenon makes you feel. To see this place through your own eyes and not on a tv screen is utterly amazing. There is a moment in time when you pass through the entrance of the Acropolis and see the Parthanon for the first time that almost takes your breath away. I looked around at our group and we were all just staring in disbelief - kind of like those scenes from the movies when everything is whirling around the actor/ress and they are just at a stand still. That's what I felt like. Just standing in the presence of this structure is indescribable.

Here are some pictures for you to enjoy...
      the Acropolis is the entire "mound" that contains all of the structures on top of it. The aerial picture below shows the entrance (The Propylaia), the Erechtheion (the small building on the left), and the Parathenon (the large structure on the right).

Temple of Athena Nike - where citizens prayed for success
On the aerial picture this is at the entrance on the lower right side.

The Propylaia - built in 437 - 432 BC to form a new entrance to the Acropolis

The beautiful, magnificant, indescribable Parthenon! This is the temple of Athena the Virgin

Erechtheion - the honored tomb of Erechtheus, a legendary king

Front of the Erechtheion

Where there you go... a quick recap of my amazing trip to the Acropolis! It was too surreal not to share at least a few pictures with friends and family!

High on life and disbelief - sending love from Greece!

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